Reconnecting with people from my past has always been representative of reliving a painful period in my life. As much as I enjoyed my high school years and the friends I made during those years, I was always reminded of what I missed or what I thought I missed. My sister died as elementary school was ending and my father passed away my first year of Junior high school. As I persevered through this time, meeting friends from that period often reconnected me to that pain. My mind was more connected to the pain than to the joy of the friends and the love of those lost.
As I write this, I am reminded of Paul writing to the church at Philippi, "but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead." Philippians 3:13. Through the healing of Jesus Christ, I have been set free to reconnect with my past with new insight and clarity. Thankfully, I am no longer held in bondage by the fear or pain which kept me from so much love and togetherness.
I also recognize God works all things for His good and have no regrets. Through the media of Facebook, the ability to reconnect has blessed this season of my life. God knew when I needed friendship, love, and support, therefore, saved this season of reconnecting and healing for now. I rejoice knowing God's plan is greater than ours and so ever thankful of the friendship reconnections harvest I am reaping!
Never forget, As I Encourage You, I Encourage Myself!
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